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RWPL 5: Call for Submissions

Rice Working Papers in Linguistics, Volume 5

Deadline for submissions: Friday, March 14, 2014

Rice Working Papers in Linguistics is currently soliciting submissions for its fifth volume. Please see the guidelines below and consider submitting your work to the editors at rwpl@rice.edu.

Description of RWPL

Rice Working Papers in Linguistics (RWPL; ISSN 1944-0081) is a refereed, open-access online publication of the Rice Linguistics Society, with support from the Department of Linguistics at Rice University in Houston, TX.

RWPL publishes working papers and squibs that emphasize functional, usage-based approaches to the study of language. The publication focuses on issues related to empirical aspects of linguistics. To that end, we especially welcome methodological and ethical discussions, sociolinguistic and areal survey reports, field reports, and project post-mortems. Presentations of intriguing or difficult data, particularly ones that merit further research, are also encouraged.

With the exception of ESL/TESOL and speech-language pathology, submissions in almost all subfields of linguistics will be considered for publication. Acceptable subfields include, but are not limited to cognitive/ functional linguistics, documentary and descriptive linguistics, language revitalization, sociolinguistics (including sociophonetics), discourse and corpus linguistics, language typology and universals, language change and grammaticalization, laboratory phonetics and phonology, language processing, and psycholinguistics.

Information about past volumes of the working papers is available at the RWPL website.

Style requirements

Submissions must meet the following minimum style requirements:

  • Maximum 30 pages in length, not including references, appendices, tables, and figures
  • 12pt font size, using one of the following typefaces:
  • One inch (1”) margins on all sides
  • Letter sized paper (8.5”x11”)
  • Double spaced throughout

In addition, to ensure a fair review process, all information that could reveal a paper’s authorship must be removed from both its content and metadata prior to its submission.

Accepted submissions will be required to follow the RWPL Style Sheet.

Submission process

RWPL accepts only electronic submissions, which must be emailed to the editors at . The body of the email must contain the following information:

  • Title of paper
  • Author name(s)
  • Author affiliation(s)
  • Author contact information
  • Acknowledgments (if desired)

All submissions must also attach the following items as separate files to the email:

  • A document containing the title of the paper, at least 3 keywords, and a maximum 350 word abstract
  • A copy of the paper in one of the following formats:
    • Word 97/2000/XP/2003 (.doc)
    • Word 2007/2010 (.docx)
    • OpenDocument (.odt)
    • LaTeX (.tex)
  • A copy of the paper as a PDF


The deadline for submissions is Friday, March 14, 2014.


Questions regarding the submissions process or style requirements may be addressed to the editors via email at rwpl@rice.edu.