RLS 5: Schedule
Time | Event | Location | Link |
8:00–9:00 | Registration and breakfast | Farnsworth | |
9:00–9:10 | Opening remarks | Farnsworth | |
9:10–9:40 |
Learning to sign can affect cognitive ability: the Whorfian Hypothesis revisited Jesse Hrebinka & John Bonvillian, University of Virginia |
Farnsworth | Abstract |
9:40–10:10 |
The effect of linguistic experience on the perception of pitch John Galindo, Rice University |
Farnsworth | Abstract |
10:10–10:40 |
On the proper status of the voice suffix -kaa in Ancash Quechua: a functional-cognitive account Carlos Molina-Vital, Rice University |
Farnsworth | Abstract |
10:40–11:00 | Coffee break | Farnsworth | |
11:00–11:30 |
Interactional perspectives on sighing Elliott Hoey, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Farnsworth | Abstract |
11:30–12:00 |
A new view on vowel dispersion: the Nez Perce vowel system Katie Nelson, Rice University |
Farnsworth | Abstract |
12:00–1:00 | Lunch | ||
1:00–1:30 |
Taste as language: Slow Food’s use of tasting as a didactic and conversational tool Ereich Empey, Rice University |
Farnsworth | Abstract |
1:30–2:00 |
‘Are you a man or a woman, are you attracted to men or women?’: Exploring the limitations of discourses on sexuality in a trans community Bethany Townsend, Rice University |
Farnsworth | Abstract |
2:00–2:30 |
Constructing celebrity persona: Lady Gaga in interviews and on Twitter Mary-Caitlyn Valentinsson, University of Arizona |
Farnsworth | Abstract |
2:30–2:50 | Coffee break | Farnsworth | |
2:50–3:20 |
The grammaticalization of dùn ‘join, follow’, to mark involvement in Karbi Linda Konnerth, University of Oregon |
Farnsworth | Abstract |
3:30–4:40 |
Plenary: Towards Ethnogrammar: an outline of a research program Dan Everett, Bentley University |
Farnsworth | Abstract |
5:00–6:30 | Conference dinner | Jones Masters’ House | |
6:45–7:45 | Showing of The Grammar of Happiness (46 minutes) | Herring 100 |
Saturday, February 9
Time | Event | Location | Link |
8:00–9:00 | Registration and breakfast | Herring 100 | |
9:00–9:30 |
On the use of a detached patient construction in Chini: interactions between animacy and information structure Joseph Brooks, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Herring 100 | Abstract |
9:30–10:00 |
Exploring the concept of grammatical relations in Mandarin Chinese using real conversational data Julia Cheng, University of Colorado |
Herring 100 | Abstract |
10:00–10:30 |
Talkin’ the talk: Ethnic New York and the ‘true New York accents’ on Long Island Ann Marie Olivo, Rice, University |
Herring 100 | Abstract |
10:30–10:50 | Coffee break | Herring 100 | |
10:50–11:20 |
On the importance of including data from long-term participant observation in assessments of linguistic vitality: a case study from fieldwork among the Mako Jorge Emilio Rosés-Labrada, University of Western Ontario |
Herring 100 | Abstract |
11:30–12:30 |
Plenary: French impersonals: a Cognitive Grammar account Michel Achard, Rice University |
Herring 100 | Abstract |
12:30–1:30 | Lunch | ||
1:30–2:00 |
Variation in acoustic cues to fricative voicing in Malagasy dialects Penelope Howe, Rice University |
Herring 100 | Abstract |
2:00–2:30 |
Langue vs. Parole, Competence vs. Performance, I-language vs. E-language, FLN vs. FLB, Grammar vs. Usage: A sociolinguistic response to Newmeyer (2003) Richard Cameron, University of Illinois at Chicago |
Herring 100 | Abstract |
2:30–3:00 |
Homorganic stop insertion in Non-standard American English dialects Brittany Courville & Elisabeth Oliver, Louisiana State University |
Herring 100 | Abstract |
3:30–5:00 | Poster session | Morrow Room, Fondren Library |
Authors | Title | Link |
Hmoud Alotaibi | Cultural conventions in research article introductions: what can be employed and evaded? | Abstract |
Sarah Cain & Marina Santiago, Rice University | A preliminary comparison of discursive strategies in stand-up comedy | Abstract |
Anthony Koth, Rice University | Underspecified vowels or morphologically specified features creating apparent vowels: an analysis of Azeri suffixal vowels | Abstract |
Ling Ma, Rice University | Palatalization in Mandarin loanwords: an OT approach | Abstract |
Snobra Rizwan, Bahauddin Zakariya University | Clause complex relations in bilingual Hindi film songs: a manifestation of emergence of hybrid code | Abstract |
Narayan Sharma, SOAS | Argument structure in Puma | Abstract |
Tianqi Yang, Tulane University | Chữ Nôm: past and future for a lost treasure | Abstract |